Business Savings Comparison
Features and Benefits | Business Savings | Business Certificate of Deposita | SavingsELITE | Guaranty Money Market |
Minimum to Open | $100 | $500 | $25,000 | $1,500 |
Monthly Service Charge | $3 | NONE | NONE | $15c |
Daily Balance to Avoid Fees | $200 | NONE | NONE | $1,500 |
Monthly Transaction Fees | $2b per transaction over 3 complimentary per month | NONE | NONE | NONE |
eStatements | Yes | N/A | Yes | Yes |
Business Debit Card | Yes | X | Yes | Yes |
Online Banking/Mobile Banking | Yes | Inquiry Only | Yes | Yes |
24 Hour Telephone Banking | Yes | Inquiry Only | Yes | Yes |
Bill Pay | X | X | X | X |
Interest Bearing* | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Please see FGB Schedule of Misc. Fees and Charges for additional fees that may apply to your account.
*Check our website for current interest rates.
a Certificates of Deposits - various terms available. Various interest payment options
b Savings Account - Withdrawal fee $2 per transaction over three complimentary each month.
c Guaranty Money Market - maintain a minimum daily balance of $1500 to eliminate the $15 monthly service fee.